From the 31st, you can check the market price of villas, officetels, and large-scale apartments across the country as well as the metropolitan area on the 'Safe Jeonse App'.
Landlords who meet certain requirements will be issued a 'safe renter' certificate so that the tenant can check it on the app.
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Housing and Urban Guarantee Corporation (HUG) announced on the 30th that they will be able to use the 'safe jeonse app (app) 2.0' with expanded functions from noon on the 31st.
The safe charter app launched by the government in February 달림사이트 to provide tenants with necessary information for global contracts contained only the market prices of 1.68 million villas (townhouses and multi-housing) in the metropolitan area.
However, as the issue of charter fraud and canned jeonse spread nationwide, the scope of market price provision was increased more than sevenfold to 12.52 million villas, officetels, and large apartments nationwide.
In the case of some villas, you can see here the market price before and after one month of completion.
New villas do not have market prices and published prices, so it is difficult for tenants to determine whether the jeonse deposit is expensive, and it is frequently abused to receive the jeonse deposit equal to or higher than the sale price.
The Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs decided to disclose the market price one month before and after the completion of construction, which was investigated and calculated by Korea Real Estate, on the Safe Jeonse app.